Friday, April 18, 2008

Uganda makes my heart smile

Last week was looking back on my time in Uganda last May and was reflecting upon it while looking at some of my pictures. It's amazing it's been nearly a year since I was there. I missed the people incredibly and the country itself.

Here's the links to see some photos:




I find it ironic I have heard from two very memorable people I met during my time there. I've heard from them all within this week. The same week that they have been on my heart and I've been reminded of what an amazing trip it was. One woman, Sera, emailed me to say:

Hi Jess hpy 08 it`s bin quite awhile.I ms u alot n pray every day that i`l see u some day.Praise God i got a job! I pray for God`s Grace n Mercy to stay witchu.Ma Lav 2 All.
Sera(Calvary Chapel Kampala)

I was very excited to hear this because it truly was such a testament to God's faithfulness. In a place like Uganda, jobs aren't easy to come by. She struggles with having perfect english skills and has some physical disabilites as well. Praise the Lord for her newfound job!

I also received this message from a fellow brother named Kasibante in Uganda that said only this:

"hey Jessica, the Pearl of Africa is missing you."

This warmed my heart. I'm thankful to have been able to serve that country and the people, even if it was only for a short time. I have become aware of how much I miss my fellow team and the amazing people we met during our service in both Kampala and Entebbe.

Here's how you can pray for the Church in Uganda:
- Pray that they would continue to be building disciples of Jesus even through the midst of hardship their country and culture challenges.

- Pray that God would raise leaders up prepared to fully preach the Gospel to a nation that is consumed with so many things that distract them from the beauty of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

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