Monday, April 21, 2008

Yay for visitors!

So - what another busy, yet very fun filled weekend. There's so much that I will be starting out with my Thursday in this blog, and will take a look at the rest of the weekend in another!

My friend Sammee was in town to visit her parents who live a few hours outside of Seoul. Needless to say, from pretty much the first day that I left, I have thought about Sammee every day because of the fact that everything here kind of reminded me of her.

Sammee and I know each other from college, and even though I don't know every single detail about her, I can honestly say I know her well. We've had the amazing opportunity to sit through some very intense communication courses together, a couple of which explore relational dynamics VERY intensively. So much more I can discuss on that topic - but, I'll spare you.

Let me just say this though: this woman is amazing! I absolutely adore her and love every minute that I spend with her. She's got such an intense desire to pursue life with reckless abandonment. She's selfless, confident yet humble, and she's not afraid to pursue an adventure.

I had the pleasure of joining her and her mother, Kimberly on an exciting trip to the U.S. Military Base! WOOOOHOOOO!!!! "American food here I come" I thought to myself. What I really meant was... "MEXICAN FOOD HERE I COME!!!"

Here's a picture of the two of us as we got to part of the base:

And this is me.... eating TWO meals. Yes. That's right. Two. I was hungry man. I felt like I hit the jackpot! The waitress laughed at me. I simply smiled and didn't care. I was gonna load up on my mexicana I miss so much! YEAHHHH!

The base was a pretty cool place to visit. Everyone spoke english, and instead of paying in won, dollar amounts were listed. It was quite odd to even see American dollars. Very interesting to examine the way I felt. I definitely missed home and it was amazing to me that I suddenly felt not so foreign. Messes with your head I tell ya!

We departed on Thursday happy to have spent some good time to talk and catch up. Gosh, I'm dang thankful for this girl. So thankyou to Sammee and her mother for treating me to a little piece of home while I'm here!

1 comment:

Shane and Amy Jo said...

That is SO awesome!!! What are the chances?!? It's amazing how seeing a familiar face can make you feel. I'm glad you were able to get together with her...and eat some yummy mexican food, of course. You are doing a great job. Keep the updates coming...I love them!