Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm so thankful!

Top Cloud Restaurant

After a long week at work, Sharon treated me to a formal dinner at Top Cloud, one of Seoul's finest restaurants. It's located at the very top of the Samsung building (Floor 33) that overlooks the city. We got there at about 7 and as we ate, the sky turned darker and darker. It was beautiful!

This is a shot right from the table we sat at:

And across the restaurant:

After sundown:

All dressed up!

I can't help but show you the (also) amazing view from the ladies room. The sink is one large basin in the center of the room. It was fab.

The food was superb, the live jazz band was very enjoyable, and of course, my favorite part was the company of Sharon. This was Sharon's treat and gift to me to say "thanks" for my friendship. (Insert awwww)


Later we met up with Ruda and did some walking along Cheonggyecheong, which runs through part of the city. This actually used to the "shanty-town" area until it was reformed and now it's such a wonderful and thriving area!

Me and a good guy I like to call RudaLaLee:

We can't help it - we love jumping pictures!

End of the stream:

Of course we resort to doing something silly:

Here's some more shots from Cheonggyecheon I shot today while I was out and about trying to get a new phone and sign myself up for some health insurance. I had my quiet time here and did some reading. It was perfect. The weather was gorgeous, and the sky was actually blue today!

The Blue House

On Sunday Sharon, Ruda and I decided to meet up and go for a Sunday stroll before church. I just have to show this picture to communicate why I adore these two. HAHAHAHA!

This time our adventure lead us onward to The Blue House ... yes folks, that's right ... our equivalent of The White House. We're not sure if Lee Myung-bak (S. Korea's Prez) actually lives there or not, but it was definitely one of the cleanest and nicest areas in Seoul! It was a bit of a walk, but enjoyable!

Check out this sidewalk chalk art along the way! Isn't it fantastic? I love living in the big city for simple interesting things such as these.

In this photo you can see the big wall with a mural that looks like the palace building. You can see in the distance (center of photo) the actual palace building. This palace is undergoing renovation and it's very heavily guarded, but still cool to look at. I'm always really tempted to run past the police and do something illegal only because the police here in Seoul look like a joke. They're not intimidating whatsoever! Don't worry Mom and Dad... I won't :)

I think Ruda actually made us pose for this picture (I don't remember) but it's still a great shot!

This is right when we got into the area of The Blue House - it was very heavily guarded and was a very quiet and peaceful area.

This is my dream job: traffic cop

Family portrait

Cherry Blossoms

Entrance to The Blue House area!

Ruda looks scared. I look happy. We all love to take silly pictures!

Yes... I do believe our jumping pictures have become an addiction. Sharon has me hooked. We actually took more jumping pictures later that night too.

Hooray for Spring!

TACOS with mi amigas

Later on that evening, our lovely Justina had us over for tacos - YUM! Yes... truly, we all love our Mexican food and we love Justina for opening up her home to us.

From L to R: Myself, Christina, Michelle, Justina and Sharon

I continue to enjoy my time here! It really has already been five months and it's shocking to look back at my experiences to see what I've learned. Especially in the ways I have fallen flat on my face only to be put back on my two feet again stronger than I was previously. I'm so thankful to have a loving God who loves me all the time no matter what!

It's been fun to experience Spring in Seoul, even though Spring in Boise is one of my favorite things of all time. It's been amazing to see the Lord's faithfulness in so many aspects here in this city. Please continue to pray for unity of our church here in Seoul, and for me personally that I would continue to be prayerful in seeking God's will as well as in my ability to love others.

Be blessed.

1 comment:

The Olson's said...

Wow! You've been busy!