Friday, January 4, 2008

Some photos

Ok - so in no particular order : ) It's been a while, so bear with me. This photo is of Jessica B, Michelle, (myself), and Ruda. We went to the Van Gogh exhibit last weekend. It was fabulous to see so many original pieces of his work. I say this picture is us making the art look dang good.

New Years! So it was absolutely frigid for New Years. I worked until 10 and then decided to head out and brave it. I mean, c'mon... I'm in Seoul - I needed to do something (or try to do something equally as cool as the Fiesta Bowl last year) So I headed home and put on SO many layers and my co-worker Kyle and I went to Jongno to bring in the New Year. The streets were lined with many people and more roman candle fireworks than you could count!

Also last week Sharon, Kyle and I ventured out to Yongsan at the big iPark mall and ended up really not doing a whole lot, except being silly and having a blast. Both Sharon and Kyle are photographers, so a lot of it consisted of picture taking. Here is a picture of Sharon and I jumpin around outside. This girl has a major passion for jump pictures!

Later on we found a wall... nothing special about the wall... just that it was lit up.... now get the three of us, two cameras, and that wall it came out to about an hour of entertainment.

We call this "Tina Turner Jess"

This photo was actually taken later that night by Kyle in the subway. Feel free to check out some more of his work at

This picture was taken last Sunday after church when I mysteriously ate my meal into the shape of Idaho... I think it's because I subconsciously miss home!

As I stated in the previous blog, I began to teach intensives.... they are nothing less than, well, intense. Here's a picture of two of the cutest little girls I have for my intensive class: Amy and Rachel.

Lastly, here's the group I spent my Christmas with. They are amazing and I enjoy getting to know them more and more! From L to R: Michelle, Jessica B, Cathy, Me, Hilary, Jess Crew, Rachel (in back), Kimchi (the dog), Ruda, Nate and Trevor.

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