Saturday, November 10, 2007

My other half returns to me!

Yay! Praise the Lord! My baggage arrived. To my absolute dismay, I called the airport (and got someone who speaks English, even!) and they had my bag!!! As you can see, I was pretty excited.

Some guy from India picked it up is what they told me. Knowing that I have all my stuff has really allowed me to relax a little bit more - so here's a few pictures from my roommate and I outside the doors of our hotel exploring our surroundings.

This is me walking down the "alley" of where our hotel is to head out to one of the main streets

Me and and Lindsay out on the town - I apparently have allergies in Korea, so give me a break ; )

And here's a little video action of us walking down the street.


Matt Hoffman said...

That is so awesome you were able to get your other half back :P. You should post more videos when you are able. It helps us all understand where you are living now. It was also good to chat with you! God Bless!!

Unknown said...

I agree with Matt glad you got your other half back. And yes post more videos.

ninerkz said...

What do you mean "to your absolute dismay"? That's great that you got your bag back!

And I agree w/ the other guys - more videos please.

That street you were on reminds me a lot of the street outside the TJ campus! Aah, the memories.

Anonymous said...


You seem like you are totally having fun and enjoying it. Your friends look as though they are having fun too. Hope to hear more and more about your experience. Kinda dorkey, but I get so excited to read your blogs!

Have fun, good luck, and miss ya girly!