Friday, November 23, 2007

Just a little update!

So I don't have a whole lot to update you on, but definitely wanted to say thanks to Mark who got Skype set up so I could talk to a bunch of you at Kara's house on Thanksgiving! It blessed me tremendoulsy, so THANKYOU!

Today was a really rainy day in Seoul- I walked out of my hotel without looking and it was POURING! I noticed everyone, and I mean EVERYONE had an umbrella around me, so I'm thinking "Hmmmm I think I should get one of those!" So even though I was running late for my meeting, I ran into the store and bought a cute little red umbrella. But, um, hello! I can't tell you the last time I used an umbrella..... like Kindergarten, maybe?! So I felt really lame when I couldn't figure out how to open the thing.... wow, and I'm a teacher? Haha. : )

Also today, I found out I will finally move into my apartment next Saturday... Dec. 1. Even though it's more than a week away, it's nice to finally have an end in sight for hotel living!

So, please keep me in prayer as I start teaching on Monday (yes, very excited, but also VERY nervous), I have the extremely daunting task of heading to Japan for a Visa run on Wednesday, and then moving on Saturday. This will be pretty intensive, especially as I seriously won't know what I'm doing the entire time.... nothing will be of the "norm" but it's all for the sake of adventure, right?!

I am so excited though because I think I've found a church! I'm going to a church called Youngnak (located in the middle of Seoul) and spent some time talking with the Pastor today and got in touch with a few of the members. I'm so excited to have this fellowship again and to spend some time with people! There's actually a girl who is from Boise who goes there, so I can't wait to meet her! Actually a few funny things about Boise... one of the Koreans who works at my school actually asked me if we had cars in Boise or "Where I come from". I was laughing so hard when he asked me if we got around by horses or donkeys. Yeah! Go Idaho! The other interesting thing about "Where I come from"... I was watching CNN the other night and they went on to talk about the top 5 "Political Turkies" of the year... and who made #2? None other than our very own Senator Larry Craig. It was then I realized really how terribly he has put us on the map!

Earlier this week, my new baby cousin was born - meet Keylie Joe Christensen!

Wish I could be there but I'm so excited!

Well, that's all for now... I don't really have any pictures to update you with - sorry. I'll try to remember to take pictures of my school for you guys though next week.

Love you all - have a great weekend!

Be Blessed!


Unknown said...

cute new cousin and other cousin. Take pictures in Japan for me, I'm sure you'll love it. What city will you be in?

The Bryants said...


Hey, I hope all is well on the other side of the world. It looks like your having a great time. Your blog is awesome and I'm sure the kids are going to love following your adventures. We're proud of you and keep up the hard work...

The Bryants