Firstly, I can't say thank you enough for all the prayer people have covered me with as I prepared to go in for my LASEK procedure today. I am so provided for and thankful for everyone in my life.
The procedure itself wasn't bad at all. I was determined to be tough and not make it worse than it needed to be. I was done in about 15 minutes. I'm experiencing some pain, but I just keep telling myself how much it will be worth it.
The highlight of the entire experience though?!
They played the CONGRATULATION song at the end of the procedure. I just about died from laughter. The Congratulation song in Korea is very popular, you hear kids singing it a lot. Often for birthdays even!
LASEK is different than LASIK in that there is no actual incision to the cornea of the eye, instead an alcoholic solution is applied to the eye to then remove the top layer of epithelial cells. Laser treatment is then done and finally a bandage contact lens is applied.
*THIS IS NOT MY EYE- it's really interesting to watch, but don't watch if you think you can't handle it ;)
Ryan was gracious enough to pick me up from the clinic this afternoon to guide me through the halls of the train stations. Stephanie, Wynn and Chris are all headed up from Cheonan tonight to spend the weekend with me. I can't help but be so thankful. Big thanks to these guys!
1 week ago