Speaking of boys - here are some of my younger students. They are really really sweet and are so well behaved... did I mention they're so smart too?! I fall in love with them more each week.... and we're only in week 3 of 13. Lucky me!
It's Jeff on the left, and Mike on the right. Both of these boys have the warmest smiles and are so much fun!
See! Look at these goofballs!
Jae Yong, Gan Hyeong, and Clayton
Here's a video of me teaching them how to impersonate my bird chirp whistle. It's pretty funny!
So, you may remember me talking about my student Andrew in previous posts from last term. Andrew was in my Memory Tera class last term and is in the Memory Tera class I teach this term as well. (Most kids go through the level twice before "leveling up")
Just to refresh you, Andrew came in as a student who wanted to sleep and didn't really pay attention and wasn't very focused during class. I don't know how, but somehow by week 2 of last term we found a mutual ground of understanding with one another. I commonly call him "Miss Andrew" and he calls me "Mr. Korea". It's a joke that has been part of our class and always brings a smile to the kids' face.
This is Andrew's drawing of me as "Mr. Korea" You may notice the drawing is spelled Mr. Corea... with a C. (Click on the photo to enlarge it) Andrew was telling me about how Korea used to be spelled with a C. I tried to get him to explain it again on camera, and he wouldn't....
I have seen a tremendous amount of improvement from Andrew with his homework and with his knowledge of material, as well as in-class participation. I received a note last week on a post it from one of the Korean staff members who works up at the front desk it said,
"Andrew will be late. He did not do homework because of other school test. He feel very badly about that you know."
My heart melted because I know that if this Korean staff member knew, then Andrew definitely made a point to tell her how badly he felt about it. At the beginning of last term, he did not care. Even one of the other teacher's was talking bad about how much he didn't do his work and is lazy. But I have proof that he's not!
Haha, here take a look at the studious Andrew:
"Hey? What is that?! Is that a camera I see?"
We also had an arm wrestling match last week....
Tonight Andrew told me today that he misses me over the weekend. I told him that I felt the same way.
These kids bring joy into my life that I never really expected. I learn more about my lack of patience everyday. I also learn compassion on them a little more as I learn about their developing personalities and about how beautifully unique they all are. It's definitely one of the easiest roles I've ever had. I'm humbled every class, every day and every week I spend with the kids.
Be blessed!
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