Sunday, November 18, 2007

Guess what.... I PASSED!

WOW! I can't believe it's nearly been a week since I've been able to post anything. It's been quite the week! I apologize for the length..... but I have to catch you guys up!! I've tried to upload video to this post, but my connection is too slow.... so I'll do that soon. Miss you all very much. Please continue to pray for provision and for strength.

I can't even describe how intense this last week of training has been. It has consisted of many intense mock teaching trials, Grammar tests and lots of prepping! This training was the last step in the interview process, and we had to pass in order to be officially offered a contract with CDI. There was approximately 25 of us going through the training, and even though each of us has a University degree, this week kicked our butt!

Linds and I uncertain whether or not we have a job yet or not.....

Immediately following the results of the training, we were all whisked off to our different teaching locations. I'm going to be teaching at a CDI branch located in Dobong, which is in the northern part of Seoul. I've been in a hotel the last few days until they find me an apartment to live in. Lindsay (my roommate) is in Incheon (east Seoul) and has a brand new apartment. I hope I'm as lucky!

Here's a picture of us one day. We like to call this one "Merry Christmas" Haha.
Here's a few other photos - these are taken from the roof of the building we had our training in:

I've been in a few different hotels for the last few days and felt a little kooped up, so I headed out to the streets to get some fresh air to explore what was around me.... and what? I ended up getting hit by a car. Yes, that's right, I got hit by a car! Thankfully I wasn't hurt, but gosh was I irritated! I gave the driver a really stern look showing my disapproval and it was witnessed by an official of some sort, which is good considering if I was really hurt it would have been helpful! But I headed on my way to a department store and ladies.... let me just tell you - SHOPPING GALORE!! It was huge.... with LOTS of WAY cute clothing. I only made it to floor 3 of the 9 though, because it started to close. So I'll have to update you on the shopping a little bit later : ) Sammee.... you were right about these things!!! Geez!

We also went to Itaewon earlier in the week to meet up with a few of Lindsay's friends for dinner ... I was excited to ride the subway for the first time in my life!

Lindsay and myself on the subway:

And me on the streets of Itaewon:

So far, everyday is full of the unexpected and full of adventure and the unknown! It feels like I've been here for much longer than a week! Information overload! : ) I'm thankful I've traveled overseas before, because I feel like it has helped getting acquainted, but nothing can prepare you fully.

Next week I will head for Japan for a Visa run to get my work Visa. I count on that experience to be full of adventure as well. Haha, and let me just say when I say "adventure" it doesn't always mean fun... it might also entail stress and overwhelment! : ) I will meet the rest of my co-workers at my branch this Thursday and Friday for an orientation/training for our branch.

I begin teaching in my class next Monday the 26th! I definitely have a newfound respect for teachers because of how much work it really is to be a good teacher.

Blessings to you all!


Unknown said...

Congrats on passing that is great to hear!!!! Where in Japan are you going? Japan by the way is a great country people there are very friendly and many speak some English especially the younger people in our age group so getting around shouldn't be to hard. I hope all is well for you out there have a safe trip to Japan, I am going to get a Skype account soon so I'll let you know when I do (give us your phone number when you get one). In the mean time I look forward to more e-mails and more blog posts.

Anonymous said... can I just say how amazing you are?!?!??! I think I would have curled myself up into a little ball and cry with all that intensive training you've been going through...but you are a strong woman so I knew you would get through it. I'm loving the makes me feel so at home when I see you posting the pics and I get to read about all of them. Well I hope only the best for you in all to come. Have fun in Japan...if you can and good luck teaching! OOooOoOO yeah and I forgot to tell you...just reminded me that Thanksgiving is coming up in the U.S. I can't wait for you to have a Korean Thanksgivivng its called much food so much fun and so much belly pain! Love ya girly...until next time~

Anonymous said...

ooooOopsies the anonymous comment is from me SAMMEE!